
Insurance everywhere. All at once.


‘But you write for insurance? Isn’t that boring?’

It was a Thursday night, and I’d met up with a group of my university friends after work. We were in the heart of London, enjoying our new 'big girl' jobs and finally living the lives we’d dreamed about as freshers – Carrie Bradshaw, but corporate. We ordered rosé (no longer the cheapest one on the menu) and dived into catch ups about life, men, and jobs.

When it was my turn, though, I was met with puzzled looks. Insurance? Really? But you’re so creative? Don’t you write poetry in your spare time? Before I could even explain, I’d already been shoeboxed. 

People are quick to make assumptions

It didn’t matter that just minutes ago, I’d listened to complaints from my friends about some of the ‘cooler’ industries they’d entered into – fashion, music, tech – and how uninspired they felt: making coffees, responding to emails, being stuck without a voice.

The double standard hit hard.

‘Actually, insurance is pretty great,’ I said, taking a sip of my rosé. ‘Let me tell you why.’

It’s everywhere and touches everything. You can learn about the world through it.

Coming into the industry as Gen Z with little experience, I discovered that insurance is far more varied, innovative, and interesting than people realise.

It covers nearly every aspect of life, even the very niche things. From space rockets to cybercrime, there’s a policy for everything. It adds invisible strength to our everyday lives and beyond.

As the world changes, insurance policies adapt alongside it with creative solutions. And we, Gen Z, get to be part of that shift.

Two years later…

Our in-house strategist suggested I work on a project to flip people’s perceptions of insurance.

Since then, the project has grown into something so much bigger. We’ve gone from interviewing people about their views on insurance to launching a report that could be the start of shifting perceptions.

My friends didn’t know about everything the industry has to offer

So, when people jump to the assumption that insurance is boring, I get it. I had a similar viewpoint two years ago.

But I’ve changed. I still write poetry, just with a broader view of the world around me. Insurance has pushed me to be more creative than before, and I’m proud to be part of it.

Hopefully, I’ll be answering a different question next time I’m at the pub.

‘Why should I get into insurance?’
‘Let me tell you.’

Download The Re:generation Report today.